Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hard To Believe, But True

Last night I was at the computer (working on this blog actually) while Jordan was getting ready for bed. He had just gone to the bathroom when he came over and informed me that his butt hurt. So I told him to bend over so I could see if anything was wrong. While he's bent over pantsless and I'm leaning over to see what's going on, our neighbor walks up to the front (screen) door to let us know that he put Jordan's bike by our garage door. So he gets a lovely view of me inspecting my son's butt. I started laughing hysterically, told Jordan it looked fine, but he could put some ointment on it if he wanted and thanked the neighbor. Meanwhile, Jordan looked up, startled, fell over and crawled behind the coffee table to put his butt out of view.

Later, Justin and I were having a friendly discussion regarding the dishes, and their need to be done on a regular basis. I maintained that I have been doing them most of the time lately, and he seemed to think that wasn't true (I knew I was right though). Then, he had the nerve to say that I should do them more often because I use more dishes. Yeah, I use more dishes than he does because I cook most of our meals! And then he added that I should also do the dishes more often because I feed the kids more often! Men!!! (I do have to admit though, that he saw the error of his reasoning, and we both had a good laugh).

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