Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Free Fruit!

On Monday my boss told me that there were all kinds of blackberries along the Ice Age Trail between Brooklyn and Belleville. I love berries, and free blackberries aren't something I can easily pass up. Late in the afternoon Justin, Sasha and I went out to pick some berries. Sasha immediately fell down and scratched one leg up pretty badly, so she was relegated to picking up fallen apples by the wild apple tree. Justin and I braved the thickets and got quite a few berries. Justin also got quite a few scratches, while I was covered in mosquito bites. The three jars of no-cook freezer jam I made the next day made it all worth while though. We also froze a lot of blackberries. Now if I could just figure out what to do with all the sour wild apples and even sourer wild grapes growing along the trail I'd be even happier. Foraging for food is fun (as long as you don't have to rely on it for survival)!

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