Thursday, November 05, 2009

I Like Quizzes, But...

Jordan has recently taken to p0lling the family on a variety of topics as a stalling tactic anytime he's supposed to be accomplishing things. I think it irritates me more than anyone else, particularly because his favorite time to do it is when I'm trying to eat. Questions range from "Mom, what's your favorite color?" to "Mom, what do you think the smallest animal in the world is?" to "Mom, what is your least favorite food?". Of course, he asks me the same questions day after day too, and I'm expected to then in turn ask him his favorite/least favorite/etc. whatever. The other day he informed me, word for word, "My least favorite color is tan. Even though I like tan on my skin, that doesn't necessarily mean..."

Speaking of skin color, for a while last year Jordan was very into talking about differences in skin color. Any time the kids bring up differences between people we respond by saying, "Yep, God made everybody different." So while they realize that people are different colors "like crayons" as Jordan used to say, they don't realize that this is a touchy subject for some people. Anyway, before Jordan started kindergarten he was speculating on what the kids in his class might be like, and wondering if any of them would be "brown" like his friend Rolly who is Hispanic. Last year some new neighbors (who happen to be black) moved in across the street. Jordan was really excited to see that they had some children and told me all about the "kids with color skin" (a description he fabricated all on his own) across the street. While I'm reluctant to explain political correctness and racial sensitivity to him because I prefer to have him think about people without regards to their race, I do hope he learns to be more circumspect before he gets his little white butt kicked.

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