Wednesday, August 04, 2010

N or M

Some of my favorite "Sasha-isms" - "naybe" instead of "maybe"and "grow-mup" instead of "grown-up". These are often used together in sentences that start out, "Naybe, when I'm a grow-mup..." The poor little girl tries so hard to keep up with her big brother and sister. When they're here she follows them around trying to play with them, talking and talking at them and trying to get their attention. When they're not here she spends a lot of time talking about what she'll do when she's as old as they are and imitating all the annoying things they do that I'd like a break from while they're gone. Especially the way Jordan spends all day asking me if anyone is coming over and if we're going anywhere and then freaking out when I say "No" and "No". Give her a few decades and she'll start talking about the good old days when she was little and didn't have any responsibilities. Although, to be fair, she has taken on rather a lot of responsibilities for a girl who's not yet four.

She's very busy bossing her father and I around and panicking about things not being done properly. She's also been taking care of her "dollies" since she was about 8 months old. We now have Tiny Baby, Big Baby, Other Big Baby, the Raggedys (tiny Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls), Alpha-Betty (a doll given to my by my Grandma Betty when I was little) and a few other ones. Tiny Baby is the most important and usually goes everywhere with Sasha, along with Heart Blankie. Sasha spends a lot of time feeding, dressing and caring for her dollies, especially at night when she's supposed to be sleeping. She also has an imaginary dog named Jumper who was a gift from Grandma Tamar. She has such a realistic plan of care for Jumper and such a clear idea of what Jumper does that after she spent 10 minutes telling my boss about Jumper he turned to me and said, "You guys got a dog???" There are only two ways you can tell Jumper is imaginary - he goes to school with Jordan because he's 5 and he frequently changes colors (rather unrealistic colors at that).

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