Thursday, August 01, 2013

Finally, A "Boring" Day!

When Jordan was younger, he used to think that any day in which no one came over and we didn't go anywhere was boring. I tried and tried to explain the concept of nice normal days in which we could hang around the house, get things done and relax. He just wasn't buying it. Fast forward a few years and he seems to like nice normal stay at home "boring" days even more than I do.

Today was great. I went to work this morning, but didn't have anywhere to be in the afternoon or evening, for a change. I got quite a bit of work and housework done this afternoon at a nice relaxed pace. The kids spent the afternoon putting puzzles together in Sasha's room while listening to books on CD. They were so quiet I almost forgot they were here. They made up for that by being extra noisy and goofy at dinner, but since we ate on the deck, it wasn't a big deal. Did I mention the weather was absolutely gorgeous? Sunny and upper seventies to low eighties with a breeze is my favorite weather, unless I want to go swimming. Then it needs to be hot, hot, hot!

Bedtime went reasonable well, although I had to confiscate a basket of toys that Sasha didn't get around to putting away. I'll give back some of them and the rest will be tossed, donated or sold. Hooray for less stuff! Then I actually made it all the way through a twenty minute yoga video with no interruptions. I didn't even know that was possible!

Hoping for a great weekend also, even though it will be busy. :)

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