Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Little Things That Make Me Happy

I'm not sure I can adequately express my love for wool socks. I've started keeping a pair by my bed so I can put them on any time my feet are so cold that I can't fall asleep. (This happens more often than you might think.) Also, I wear them pretty much any day with a high of less than 60 degrees. Since I'm having a crabby evening, now seems like the perfect time to make a list of some of the little things that bring joy to my life.

1. wool socks
2. the reading lamp on my nightstand (It has a red lamp shade and was a gift from my Grandma Betty. When I was younger I kept asking if I could have it when she died. Thankfully she's still with us and I've grown a little more tactful over the years.)
3. listening to my kids sing
4. books, books and more books
5. watching the steam rise from a cup of tea
6. afternoon naps
7. our gas fireplace
8. watching rain run down the window panes
9. hanging laundry up to dry
10. steaming hot showers
11. lip balm
12. cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg (and chai tea lattes!!!)
13. the piles of books my kids keep in and around their beds
14. cozy quilts
15. the few moments when I'm laying on my pillow and the pillowcase is still cold
16. trees
17. stars
18. fog
19.huge fluffy snowflakes
20. family game night

How about you? What are some little things that light up your life?

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