Thursday, January 10, 2013

Two Reasons I Love the Kids' School

1. They do fun and creative things like this to motivate the kids:

Posted: Dec 18, 2012 11:00 PM CST
OREGON (WKOW) -- Elementary students in Oregon were surprised Tuesday with a break-out "flash mob" dance from their teachers.
Brooklyn elementary school was having an assembly and while the principal was reading a poem, the school's staff started dancing.
The principal says they are hoping the dance got students excited about learning.
"We're hoping that was kind of an inspiring event for them; that they want to learn the dance. And then we'll tie it to our expectations this week of keeping hallways clean. Each week we'll look at what should kids be working on next; playground behavior, bus behavior and so on," said principal Kerri Modjeski.
Staff members are hoping that by the end of the year the students will know all of the moves and that the whole school will be able to dance together.

2. The afternoon before the huge December snowstorm (we got 18-20 inches of snow here!), Jordan was in a panic. He left his boots on the bus, and the next day had already been declared a snow day. I called the school in a panic. They gave me the bus driver's cell phone #. I called him in a panic and left a message. (Are you sensing a theme here? Yep, panic it is!). An hour later he called me back, said he had the boots and would drop them off at our house in 5 minutes. And he did! Good thing too, because the kids had two snow days in a row and then Christmas vacation began. Can you imagine being a 10 year old boy with two weeks off of school, 20 inches of snow to play in and no snow boots?!?

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