Thursday, January 24, 2013

Winter Blues...Blah

What a long, trying afternoon and evening. I spent most of the morning tired and down, but managed to perk up before the kids got home from school, only to listen to them whine, cry, mope and fall apart for much of the late afternoon and evening. I spent almost all my energy remaining calm and patient and now they're in bed and I'm exhausted.

Jordan's issues included "we never do anything", "we never go anywhere" (my brother Seth was in town this weekend and we saw extended family three days in a row, so that's not true), "you're always working on the computer or doing housework and you never do anything with us" (I had already offered to do something with him but he didn't take me up on it), "you only do stuff with us separately and not with both Sasha and I together", "I don't know what to do", "I want to do something fun" (I'd given him a list of about 20 things he could do, most of which were fun things), "there's nothing to do", and "I have too many options of things to do and I can't pick one" (causing me to suggest that we get rid of some of his stuff).

Sasha went into meltdown mode because she wanted to play inside but the neighbor kids wanted to play outside, then when they finally were going inside to play it was too close to chore time for her to go in their house, and she didn't want to take bunny grahams to school for snack tomorrow, she wanted to take goldfish crackers, even though we didn't have enough for everyone.

Ugh! I think it's the weather. Too cold and not enough snow left to make it fun to go outside. Either no sun or sun so blinding you can hardly stand to look outside. Plus, we've all been sick on and off lately.

At least we made it through the evening and the kids even finished their jobs in time for a game of Scrabble. And we only had one Scrabble related meltdown. I'm going to try to plan a family fun night tomorrow, if I can find the energy.

Can't wait until spring!!!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I just realized that the kids have had indoor recess all week. No wonder they're cranky. Planning to stock up on fresh air and exercise this afternoon. Going for a family hike!